Hi! I’ve recently returned from Providence, Rhode Island. I know, pretty amazing for me! Those who know me, know that sometimes I can’t even get out of my house 🙂 It happened very suddenly when I got a newsletter from zentangle.com that there were 4 open seminar spaces available…first come, first served! This was my dream, to go to seminar to become a Certified Zentangle® Teacher but I figured I would have to wait until 2015 (it’s very hard to get in!). I would be trained by the founders of Zentangle®, Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts. Well a long story shortened…I emailed but the 4 spaces were already filled and I was #15 on a waiting list. I was so disappointed to think I almost had a shot of getting in!
About two days later I get another email and I GOT IN!! That is, if I could fly to Providence, RI, and find a hotel in 4 days! The seminar is at the Providence Hotel but they were booked solid. So I booked the Biltmore Hotel. Before I knew it I was on a plane and off to become a Certified Zentangle® Teacher! No time to think how terrified I was to fly and fly so far from home for 6 days!! I’m talking about Alaska to Rhode Island! It took me all day to get there, starting at 3:30am (Sat)and finally got to bed at 4:00am the next day (Sun).
But I did it! I made it to Providence only to find out they did not have a room for me! Yes, NO ROOM!! I had a total meltdown (and I mean it was bad!) and was driven across town to another hotel. I had absolutely no idea where I was or who I was with. They fortunately came back to get me the next day (I was crossing my fingers that they would!). I emailed Martha (Maria’s daughter) to let her know what happened and checked into the seminar. I stayed at Biltmore that night, alone and scared.

The next morning (Mon) after the morning class, Martha took me aside and said there was a vacancy at Providence Hotel and they were working on getting me over there with everyone else. OMG! I was soooooo excited, so relieved, so grateful, so exhausted! I had 15 minutes to pack & check out of the Biltmore! From then on I had the most FANTASTIC and AMAZING time! It was like I was living in a magical dream-world filled with beautiful tangles and warm and wonderful people. Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts and their entire Zentangle® family were unbelievably so kind and giving.

Me, Maria Thomas, and Rick Roberts

I met so many people from around the world. We had 13 countries and 22 students from Taiwan who became my friends (kneehow). I had so much fun and learned sooooo much!

When I got back, Blaines Art Store officially asked me to teach Zentangle® classes and I start in January 2015 (another dream come true!)! I can hardly wait!!!! I am now a Certified Zentangle® Teacher!
See you in class 🙂
♥ Donna